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Public Library of Aspire Knowledge Center Active Intellect, Inc.

About     summary
Development     summary
Howto     summary
masterpages     summary
News     summary
ReleaseNotes     summary
To be done     summary
Can you find out at run time what the web app context is? (4-Aug-04)
Collaborate with resources (28-Apr-04)
Come up with a strategy for changing folder names (15-Jun-04)
Create a research note for effectively using jedit (16-Jun-04)
Create a view for seeing private folders and blog (26-Jun-04)
Delete a folder (28-Apr-04)
Enter a research item to autostart a webapp when a property file changes (16-Jun-04)
Fix bug in substitution (16-Jun-04)
Fix generictablehandler to use standard object parameter mechanism (9-Jul-04)
How to pass loop name to a generic html transform (4-Aug-04)
If transform is JSP generic transform is failing (4-Aug-04)
Introduce folder based master pages (28-May-04)
Investigate wiki like capabilities (27-May-04)
Make DBHashtableFormHandler1 work consistently (9-Jul-04)
Manage users (28-Apr-04)
Pending work on recent field validation attempts (29-Aug-04)
Provide an edit button on the display page of an item (27-May-04)
Provide an exception generator part (31-May-05)
Provide change/append button to a displayed note (7-Jun-04)
Provide http post solutions to common tasks (28-Apr-04)
Provide multiple paths for a display url (15-Jun-04)
Publish akc datamodel (28-Apr-04)
Put a note on how home pages are implemented (31-May-05)
Rename a folder (28-Apr-04)
Try to get an hds through xml (9-Jul-04)
Use folder id to display folders (15-Jun-04)
Zip up a folder (28-Apr-04)

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